DOL Launches Initiative to Ensure Healthcare Industry Complies With Labor Laws

The month of November is National Home Care & Hospice Month. This month the DOL has launched an initiative on behalf of this country’s professional caregivers to protect their wages and rights and to ensure that companies comply with labor laws. 

Acting Wage and Hour Administrator Jessica Looman said, “The education, outreach and enforcement initiative we are announcing today will help ensure the rights of all workers are protected and employers who flout the law are held accountable.”

The News Release from the DOL cites that, “In fiscal year 2021, the division recovered more than $38.7 million in back wages for healthcare industry workers, and identified misclassification of workers as independent contractors as an increasingly common violation cited by investigators.”

Read the full story on National Law Review here.

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Jason Posel

Jason Posel

Founder and CEO of, Jason Posel is a sought-after expert in issues related to technology innovation in contingent workforce management, the gig economy, and the Future of Work. London > Atlanta > Miami > Palo Alto > Miami

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