Governor Murphy Signs New Laws to “Crack Down” on Misclassification

On July 8th, New Jersey’s Governor Murphy signed new laws that will “crack down” on worker misclassification. Governor Murphy did this because, “These employers [misclassify workers] for a simple reason: to save themselves a few bucks by skipping out on paying their employees their fair wage and benefits.” The new laws will give workers easier access to benefits and protection.

Governor Murphy’s actions could lead to many more states following suit. People are becoming increasingly aware of the illegal practice of misclassification and taking demanding action toward preventing this crime in order to protect workers.

Read the full story from The National Law Review here.

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Jason Posel

Jason Posel

Founder and CEO of, Jason Posel is a sought-after expert in issues related to technology innovation in contingent workforce management, the gig economy, and the Future of Work. London > Atlanta > Miami > Palo Alto > Miami

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