The Pros and Cons of the Gig Economy in the Time of Covid

NBC News has published a riveting article on the impacts of the gig economy during the pandemic. It’s no secret that the use of on-demand labor has been increasing in recent years, as companies have become more flexible in their staffing needs. This is especially true in light of the Covid pandemic, as companies scramble to find ways to maintain business as usual. 

The article quotes the Fedex CFO on the benefits of gig workers: “The scheduling flexibility helps as well in terms of navigating labor availability when and where you need it.” Becoming a gig worker can be a great option for people who need flexibility in their work schedule, or for those who are looking for supplemental income. However, gig work can also be precarious, as workers may not receive benefits such as paid vacation time or health care.

Read the full story on NBC News here.

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Jason Posel

Jason Posel

Founder and CEO of, Jason Posel is a sought-after expert in issues related to technology innovation in contingent workforce management, the gig economy, and the Future of Work. London > Atlanta > Miami > Palo Alto > Miami

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